Blog Posts

Taking off the Leadership Handcuffs: Achieving the Big O

Taking off the Leadership Handcuffs: Achieving the Big O

Like anything in life, a moment can change everything. Suddenly, what you once thought was impossible, is happening. What you once thought you would never experience, you suddenly are. It starts in the morning when you wake up, you find yourself all alone, and your partner left you. All your plans together have gone up in smoke. As the day…

Core Elements of Leadership

Core Elements of Leadership

I recently sat down with Birutė Andruškaitė, entrepreneur, idea generator, business developer, and innovator to discuss leadership as her guest for her new business insights series. ————– A Leadership Conversation – an interview with a global business executive and change catalyst- Paul Rosenberg There is no final answer for the questions about leadership, strategy, market or how to be successful,…

From F Bomb to Fan: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

From F Bomb to Fan: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks

The crusty welding supervisor looked me up and down, and as he turned away, he let one fly, the spittle landing at my feet. “ No f’ing way are you going to coach me”. And he walked away. Off to a flying start the first week at the shipyard. While his fellow supervisor and I stared at him incredulously, I…

On the Road to Hell: Core Lessons from My Sister

On the Road to Hell: Core Lessons from My Sister

The young University student was weak and ill. Her body was filled with sores and swelling, her forehead hot ….The line at the village clinic was tremendous, and as she took her place, the humidity and heat bore down on her in heavy oppressiveness. She felt the nausea rising, and it all began to spin. How did she get here, in Sri…

Chiro-Leadership: How a Visionary Leader got her Team Aligned ( Without Breaking Their Backs)

Chiro-Leadership: How a Visionary Leader got her Team Aligned ( Without Breaking Their Backs)

Brenda (name changed due to confidentiality) knew she had to do something. Her team’s performance had created severe risk. A key driver for lackluster results was misalignment with her senior staff and a large work force. By the time her clear messages about performance expectations seeped through the layers of management (including the Paleozoic and Mesozoic), the message had changed…

Channeling Your Inner Idiot. And better for it

Channeling Your Inner Idiot. And better for it

There are the moving motivational posters…. the softly lit cheese puff or cheez doodle  (“Be the head cheese”) or an amazing sunset…( Don’t let the sun go down on yooz)”. My contribution to future emotive posters? A syringe filled with antibiotics. I was new on the job in a fish food plant that made pellets for the salmon farms in Southern…